An Open Source Verifiable PPC Framework

Delta performs statistical and machine learning computations jointly on data possessed by a group of data holders while keeping the data private for each of them. Delta is useful in a lot of scenarios such as financial risk assessment jointly on private data from several banks, or patient health condition prediction from data of several hospitals.

By encapsulating modern Privacy-Preserving Computation techniques inside, Delta doesn't require developers to have any knowledge on PPC. Just write computation task in traditional ways, and the rests are taken care of by Delta.

The original data is never accessible to the developer. Delta integrates Blockchain and Zero Knowledge Proof so that the developer could verify that the computation is actually performed as designed on the required data.

System Architecture

Write Task in Python. No Prior Knowledge on PPC Required.

Developers just write traditional machine learning and statistical tasks. Delta determines the task type by checking the distribution status of the data required by the task, and transforms the task into horizontal/vertical federated learning, or federated analytics task and executes it on multiple nodes in the network.

The task is written in Python, which is widely used in the industry of data and AI. Popular frameworks are supported to write complex algorithms. Existing codes can be used with little modification. Delta ensures the code is secure before execution on host machine.

Computation is Verifiable using Blockchain and ZKP.

The original data is never accessible to the developers. Delta integrates Blockchain and Zero Knowledge Proof so that the developer could verify that the computation is performed exactly as designed, and on the real data.

Toolchains to Ease the Development Workflow.

GUI and IDE supports coding and debugging online. Fully featured debug tools and log system makes the task development friendly and efficient.

One-click Deployment with Docker and Kubernetes.

Could be easily deployed with only 1-click. Various of operating systems and environments are supported.

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